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How can hotels better serve guests with mobility needs? The U.N. Standard Rules of 1993 focus on equalizing opportunities for persons with disabilities worldwide. In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act established equal opportunity and non-discrimination requirements with strict compliance standards. To this day, despite some grandfather clauses that delay certain changes in older hotels, new hotel development and renovations ensure properties meet the highest standard of compliance with these requirements. However, challenges remain. For...

My owners want me to grow profits, but my hotel is already over-performing. If I’m already at the top, what can I do? In 1955, Fortune magazine debuted its list of the top 500 companies. Sixty-two years later, most of those companies are gone. While the original top three remain, two are in different positions. General Motors was number one, but has since fallen out of the top ten, while Exxon Mobil is in the same...

What will define the hospitality industry in the New Year? As a new year arrives, experts in the hotel industry like to make predictions, myself included. However, I have a different take on this particular question. I believe that 2017 is going to be the year of hospitality. Whether you run a gas station, a three-star restaurant, or a five-star hotel, hospitality is, by definition, what we do. It doesn’t cost you anything to say good...

How can we ensure guests are safe with all of the reports of global terrorism? First, acknowledge within your team the possibility terrorism can happen regardless of whether you’re in a large city or small town. Don’t be complacent. Second, prepare and take preventative measures. For example, have a professional canine unit come through your storage rooms to detect hazardous materials. Also, consider the safety slogan, “If you see something, say something.” If housekeeping sees a “Do Not...

What pointers would you give someone about to open a hotel? There are many, but ultimately, the most important is to remember that first impressions count. You also need to truly understand what the “theme” or “purpose” of the hotel is. Once you know that, remember that internal first impressions count more. You also must always keep in mind that cleanliness can never be discounted and no matter what size your hotel is, preventative maintenance is always...

How can I make my hotel stand out from the branded competition? We know that our “job” in this industry is to serve others. However, we must also keep in mind that we are the ones who decide how to best do just that. Each day we are making a host of decisions that will, in time, define our brands. And I don’t mean brand in the sense of what flag you fly out front. Your brand...

Should hoteliers be so focused on millennials? Is it just me or are millennials the most idolized group we’ve ever had to cater to? Consisting of those who came of age around the year 2000, this generation places a high relevance on value and technology and tends to demand flexibility, social areas to work and congregate in, complimentary breakfast, and, of course, free Wi-Fi. Seventy-six million baby boomers drove the design and function of hotels for decades;...

What are your thoughts on the Marriott-Starwood merger?
 While the merger is still in its infancy, a combined $19 billion in revenues and 346,000 employees is quite significant. There are two ways to look at the deal; from the employee standpoint and then that of the guest. Employees have a tremendous opportunity to grow with such a vast network of hotels. Keeping one’s head low and eyes open and taking advantage of those possibilities will no...

Traveling and staying at a hotel is a key component to the journey itself. The hotel may have been selected for any of a number of reasons; price, location, amenities, partnership with various companies, trade show, wedding or other possibilities, but at the end of the day, guests are looking for an experience and a memorable stay. Travelers want to feel appreciated, listened to and generally made to feel important. The intangible components are what build loyalty...

"Take out the papers and the trash, or you don’t get no spendin’ cash"….timeless lyrics from the Coasters’ song ‘Yakety Yak’. How often do you as a mom or dad find yourself telling your kids to go clean their room or some other household chore? I’m willing to bet you’ve met with rolled eyes and excuses about how long it will take or even better, the statement ‘I need a bigger allowance’. Next time you...

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